Monday, September 30, 2019

Are You a Good Communicator

Are You a Good communicator? | Are you A Good Communicator ? | Sharice Vanlanham| | HCA/230| 3/31/2013| Robert Smiles, PhD. | †Effective listening skills are an asset in our professional and personal relationships. † †The good news is that with the right know how and a little practice, these skills can be developed. † By Marian K, 2011. â€Å"Communication combines both speaking and listening, and there is no point of one without the other. If you only send out clear messages, but fail to receive and comprehend them, and then you failed to communicate effectively.For good communication, you need both good speaking and effective listening skill†. For example â€Å"effective listening strategies involve putting in place a number of practice’s to start an effort to block out distractions and focusing on what the speaker is saying. Also effective listening consist of understanding and correctly interpreting body language which is important because t he message can only be interpreted correctly when it is received along with the body language in person. In order to developed effective listening skills, a person must put the above mentioned points into practice.One can play out effective listening activities, such as role plays†, with a friend to help you practice effective listening. Quality interpersonal relationships are important in the health care industry because effective communication in health care is crucial for health care professionals. According to Joey Papa contributor, â€Å"interpersonal communication must be clear, thorough and comprehensive. The health care industry survived on collaborate communication efforts between doctors, nurses, specialists, insurance companies and many other individuals. â€Å" Interpersonal communication is the glued that holds industry together. † † It provides a safeguard of customer satisfaction and can prevent a medical mistake with huge repercussions. † In fact â€Å"communication is an essential key ingredient in today’s medical field, as numerous professionals and patients strive to build a trusting and open relationship with each other†. â€Å"The main purpose is for one to build the kind of relationship that result in improved patient care and outcomes. Therefore listening and empathizing response skills, enables us to respond to patients and others in a caring and respectful manner†.Defensive relationships is â€Å"defined as that behavior which occurs when an individual perceives threat or anticipates threat in the group†. â€Å"Defense arousal prevents the listener from concentrating upon the message, not only do defensive communicators send off multiple value, motive and affect cues, but also defensive recipients distort what they receive†. â€Å"As a person becomes more and more defensive, he or she becomes less able to receive the motives and values and emotions of the sender†.For e xample A rude doctor directly challenge a nurse question idea’s or knowledge in public while devaluing the nurse’s knowledge. Supportive communication is when communication emphasizes a problem or a situation and its potential solution or possible changes, in instead of focusing on the other person involved and their personal traits or characteristic’s, by taking that approach, the communication can be more effective because the other person doesn’t feel as defensive. Supportive communication is better to use in the health care field because it requires a non-judgmental attitude.The person your speaking with should know she can express her feelings without fear of condemnation or retaliation, also its good for health care because its practice’s empathy, so the person you are talking to understands what are situations is and what he or she is going through and when a patient becomes more friendly and warm to trust enough to talk to. Assertive commun ication is a form of behavior characterized by a confident declaration or affirmation of statement without need of proof, this affirms the person’s rights or points of view without either aggressively threatening the rights of another.Assertive style is most likely appropriate in health care because it helps professionals feel good about themselves and others, and leads to the development of respect with others while increasing self-esteem. Using assertive communication in the work environment helps reduce stress on others and it protects patients from being taken advantage of by nurses or doctors along reducing anxiety. We all use assertive communication behavior at times, yet being trained in assertive communication increase appropriate behavior towards others. Reference: www. buzzle. com www. healthy. net

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How consumers are protected in contracts for the sale Essay

Goods are any form of products that are supplied to consumers for their convenience. They are generally modelled as having diminishing marginal utility. Ultimately, whether an object is a good or a bad depends on each individual consumer and therefore, it is important to realize that not all goods are good all the time and not all goods are goods to all people. Sourced: Role of the Sales of Goods Act 1979: The Sales of Goods Act 1979 gives consumers the opportunity of returning or exchanging products which do not fit the description for example, if a consumer has joined a new contract with the O2 and have been told that with the new contract they get a contract phone in black, however on the day when the phone arrives its white then the consumer can take their problem straight back to O2 and they would have to change the product straight away as it doesn’t look like what it is said to. Also if the contract clearly states that it will be a particular phone and turns out to be a different make then O2 would have to make sure the exchange the products and supply the customer with the one they have stated. Express Terms of the Sales of Goods Act 1979: An express term of a contract is a declaration which is made by two or more organisations; and has agreed upon what is stated in the contract, the contracts can be made through verbal methods or by word of mouth. Once the contract has been agreed upon both the organisations have to make sure the follow the deal. Conditions: A condition is a term which has to be followed within the agreement, For example, if O2 are selling their phone contract to customers, whereas supply customers with a different phone contract then it shows that  O2 did there bit of providing the customer with a mobile phone contract however didn’t provide them with the right one. A breach of contract will entitle O2 to follow the correct law of the contract and provide the consumer with the right one. Warranties: A warranty is a term that does not fully follow all agreements, so For example, carrying on from the O2 phone contract issue , when the customers buys the phone contract and is assured by the company that they will receive a special tariff with the contract. Therefore, when the phone contract arrives on the day there is no extra tariff, when the party doesn’t stick to its word then this is seen as a warranty. The customer is able to sue the supplier however it doesn’t mean that the agreement will end. Implied terms of the Sales of Goods Act 1979: There are sequence of conditions which are automatically prepared in every contract by the sales of goods act; and they would be dealing with the following which include: title, description, fitness for purpose and satisfactory quality. I have stated these factors below and explained what each and every one of them means: Title: this is when there is an implied condition which allows the sellers to have the right to sell the goods for example, O2 impliedly confirms that the phone contract it sells actually belong to it and also that it can legally pass on the ownership to another telecommunications company, however if O2 are not able to pass on the title to the buyers then it will mean that O2 will be liable for breach for the contract. Description: the contract must fully explain how the product has been described, when there is a contract for the sales of goods by description then there will be an implied condition that the goods will correspond with that description. However the slightest removal from the description will then enable the buyer into rejecting the goods for breach of condition of the contract made. Fitness for purpose: A fitness for purpose is where a seller who in this case  is O2 plans to sell its goods in the good courses of their business, for example if O2 was to sell their contract to the consumers for the business to be better and make more sales. There is an implied condition for this was they are fit for the particular purpose, this means that the buyer (consumer) has expressly or impliedly known to the seller. Satisfactory quality: The satisfactory quality is where the sellers sell goods for the good of their business; there is an implied term that the goods that is supplied are of the right satisfactory quality. However except to the extent of defects which are brought straight to the buyer’s attention, this will be done before the contract is made meaning that T-Mobile will need to sell satisfactory quality to their consumers. Conclusion: Overall in the briefing sheet I have made sure that all evidence is provided, also that a clear explanation is made of how a contract protects the consumer and what happens if that contract is breached. Mainly information is suggested on the different conditions made by the sales of goods act such as title, description, fitness for purpose and also satisfactory quality. Factors that invalidate contracts: There are many factors that can make a contract invalidated, which means that the contracts cannot be used anymore, such as the following: Misrepresentation: Misrepresentation is where there is a false statement in the contract which is made by one of the parties to the other before the contract is agreed on. There is no general duty to disclose facts, and silence will not normally amount to a misrepresentation. But gestures, smiles or a course of conduct may amount to a representation. Duress: Duress is where a party enters into a contract against their will for example, if O2 is forced into a contract by either violence or treat of violence to themselves or to their family then it means that the contract that is being made may become invalid. In this case the affected party can avoid the contract on the ground of duress; this is because all parties who are entering a contract must enter freely. Mistake: In general terms a mistake  is when a contract is being made however one of the party members may have made a mistake in knowing what they are agreeing to or a contract can be made which turns out to be wrong, this i s down to a mistake occurring, sometimes when there is a mistake in a contract it can make it invalidated.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mobile IP Technology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mobile IP Technology - Case Study Example Mobile IP is most useful in environments where 'mobility is desired and the traditional land line dial-in model or DHCP do not provide adequate solutions for the needs of the users' If it is necessary or desirable for a user to maintain a single address while they transition between networks and network media, Mobile IP can provide them with this ability; Generally, Mobile IP is most useful in environments where a wireless technology is being utilized (CISCO, 2006). On the other hand, it has been proved that Mobile IP is most often found in 'wireless WAN environments where users need to carry their mobile devices across multiple LANs with different IP addresses' (Mobile IP, 2006). According to Chen (2006) Mobile IP is 'a newly defined protocol which supports mobile users but also is compatible with the current IP; it is still in the process of being standardized, and there are still many items that need to be worked on and enhanced, such as the security issue and the routing issue'. The use of Mobile IP in the modern IT market cannot be denied.

Entitlement Progrms nd the hndicps tht go long with hving them Essay

Entitlement Progrms nd the hndicps tht go long with hving them - Essay Example Under wÐ °ivers to federÐ °l progrÐ °m rules, stÐ °tes begÐ °n imposing new requirements on recipients of sociÐ °l help. In 1996, Congress Ð °nd President Clinton scrÐ °pped the old federÐ °l entitlement progrÐ °m Ð °nd replÐ °ced it with the TÐ NF block grÐ °nt. With this lÐ °ndmÐ °rk end to entitlement cÐ °me Ð ° lifetime limit on the receipt of welfÐ °re benefits. Further, recipients fÐ °ce increÐ °singly strict requirements, such Ð °s mÐ °ndÐ °ted pÐ °rticipÐ °tion in work Ð °ctivities, Ð °s Ð ° condition of receiving Ð °id. NoncompliÐ °nce with these requirements cÐ °n leÐ °d to severe finÐ °nciÐ °l penÐ °lties, including terminÐ °tion of Ð °ssistÐ °nce. Ð ll these chÐ °nges mÐ °de welfÐ °re less Ð °ttrÐ °ctive to would-be recipients. Other policy chÐ °nges increÐ °sed the relÐ °tive Ð °ttrÐ °ctiveness of work compÐ °red to welfÐ °re. MÐ °ny stÐ °tes Ð °llowed fÐ °milies with jobs to keep more of their eÐ °rnings, mÐ °k ing it eÐ °sier to combine work Ð °nd welfÐ °re. Ð dditionÐ °l funds were mÐ °de Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble to reduce the cost of child cÐ °re. Ð nd the EITC progrÐ °m expÐ °nded considerÐ °bly, creÐ °ting Ð ° credit of up to $4,140 for Ð ° fÐ °mily with two children in 2002.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

World History to 1400 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World History to 1400 - Essay Example Another similarity between the two empires relates to their education systems. Although the Roman Empire had a more complex education system compared to that of the Chinese, the two empires emphasized on the importance of education. Leadership posts were preserved for those who had demonstrated considerable intellectual merit (Fernandez-Armesto 347). Chinese education was based on writing skills. For one to be considered for any leadership position, demonstrating these writing skills was important. The Roman Empire based its education system on 37 chapters of knowledge compiled Pliny the Elder, a famous Roman educator. Another similarity between the two empires can be seen in their view of what constituted good governance. Good governance according to both empires involved serving the needs of the people. The Roman Public Utility Services was established to keep cities clean and avoid illnesses. This involved modernizing water supply systems and building public and private baths. A small ditch on the centre of each stoned city ensured that dirty water and rainwater were drained away. Master Kong established Confucianism in Chinese Empire and ensured the affirmation of accepted values and norms of behavior in public service and social interactions (Fernandez-Armesto 349). One of the differences between the two empires can be seen in their economic structures. While the Roman Empire had taken great steps in the fields of technology and engineering, the Chinese Empire lagged behind in these fields. Specialization was rare in the Chinese Empire leading to a low rate of economic development. Farmers practiced subsistence farming (Fernandez-Armesto 441). The Roman Empire, on the other hand, had very modern ‘tastes’ and demands. Three pulley cranes and treadmills were first used in the Roman Empire (Fernandez-Armesto 441). The Romans further used technology to bring fresh water to their cities while connecting these

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Plan for the Next Year for Atlantic Quench Assignment

Marketing Plan for the Next Year for Atlantic Quench - Assignment Example Atlantic Quench aims at availing the highest quality of juice and non-juice drink to the UK market at affordable prices. The juice drinks include: Cranberry Original Juice and Cranberry Mixed Juice Drinks, which are the main drink. They also offer Juice Max – pure Juice and Grab ‘n’ Go – Single Serve, among many others. The non-juice products include Cranberry Sauces and Cranberry Cordial Juice Drinks, as listed by Katsigris & Thomas (2012) as well as Fresh Cranberries, and New Dried Cranberries. The company also aims at introducing a new drink within the next one year.EconomicGiven the fact that the company always make sure that their products are as affordable as possible, it has been seen that the products are doing well in the UK market. Furthermore, the income per capita of the UK population is high enough for them to afford these products by Atlantic Quench (Lamb 2012, p. 197). Socio-culturalThe people of UK also like drinking juice. This is the reaso n as to why the brand has been able to do well in the UK. The new product being a tropical juice drink is likely to do well given the fact that UK residents consume juices in large quantities.TechnologyTechnology has also been a very important factor in the performance of the brand in the UK. The company has the latest production technologies that enable them to get the most from the fruits and make sure that they are preserved in a manner that the consumers are not affected in any way.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Adolescent therapy for parent-adolescent crises regarding personal Essay

Adolescent therapy for parent-adolescent crises regarding personal freedom - Essay Example 2), and as he/she also encounters other unexpected life events such as sudden change in family structure, changes in the school or in schooling, and accidents that can impinge on his/her well-being. (Dumont & Provost, 1999, p. 343) As adolescents undergo this transitory stage, â€Å"many features of their social world are transformed† (Brown & Huang, 1995, p. 151), of which the most dramatic is no other than peer relations, wherein the teenager establishes his/her standing among peers. (Brown, 1990, p. 171). â€Å"They begin to spend more time with and value their friends more than they used to. Thus, it might seem as if they are starting to cut ties with parents and reject their ideals† (Guzman, 2007, p. 1751). Previous research by Berndt (1979), Hunter & Youniss (1982), Selman (1980) has linked the decline in parental authority over adolescents to the dominance of the peer group (as cited in Smetana & Asquith, 1994, p. 1148), which â€Å"have been found to assume greater importance in adolescence than in middle childhood† (Savin-Williams & Berndt, 1990; Youniss & Smollar, 1989, as cited in Ibid) With this, some theories suggest that adolescents become more independent as the power of family to control them weakens. (Adelson & Doehrman, 1980, Blos, 1979, Freud, 1965, 1969, as cited in Peterson, Bush, & Supple, 1999, p. 431; Freud, 1958, as cited in Brown & Huang, 1995, p. 151) However, a significant number of empirical researches show otherwise. Researches by Baltes and Silverburg (1994), Baumrind (1991), Collins and Repinski (1994), Cooper, Grotevant, and Condon (1983), Grotevant and Cooper (1986) Hill and Holmbeck (1986), Offer, Ostrov, and Howard (1981), Peterson (1995), Sebald (1986), Steinberg (1990), Silverberg and Gondoli (1996), and Youniss and Smollar (1985) revealed that â€Å"adolescent autonomy emerges within a family context in which the young expresses admiration for, seek advise from, and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Valuing cultural diversityfeeling respected as a way of managing Essay

Valuing cultural diversityfeeling respected as a way of managing diversity is tapping diversitys true benefits and HRM role to support managing cultural dive - Essay Example ept of integration-and-learning perspective, cultural diversity in terms of the access-and-legitimacy perspective and discrimination-and-fairness perspective, and integration-and-learning perspective will be identified and analysed. There are many ways in which cultural diversity at work can be strengthened. One of the major factors that causes problem in managing diversity is the behaviours of people within the working environment. (Henderson 1994, p. 133) Therefore, making employees feel respected has been considered as one of the best ways in promoting cultural diversity within the working environment. In the process of examining the truth behind this statement, the student will conduct a literature review on how the application of integration-and-learning perspective could enhance organizational learning, growth, and renewal. Prior to conclusion, the role of HRM in support of cultural diversity (under the integration-and-learning perspective) in the workplace will be thoroughly discussed. Organizational culture is actually referring to a set of norms, beliefs, principles and behaviour that gives the organization a unique character. (Naylor 1997, p. 1; Brown, 1995) In the case of David (1999, p. 143), the author defines organizational culture as â€Å"a pattern of behaviour developed by an organization to cope with problems related to external adaptation and internal integration aside from enabling the employees to feel and think positively.† The word ‘diversity’ means as â€Å"to include a variety of racial or ethical backgrounds and characteristics of humankind.† (College of the Mainland 2008) Considering the definition of diversity, the study of cultural diversity is focused on acknowledging one or more socio-demograhic traits like gender, race, ethnicity, and age (Janssens & Zanoni 2005). In other words, cultural diversity at work – also known as multiculturalism is about integrating culture in terms of employees’ age, gender, mental or physical

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Rude Awakening Essay Example for Free

A Rude Awakening Essay Although the article â€Å"Blue-Collar Brilliance† by Mike Rose provides the reader insight on the importance of blue-collar jobs, David Foster Wallace’s â€Å"The Kenyon Commencement Speech† hold stronger arguments because it thoroughly and realistically explains the significance of a college degree and how our educational freedom helps us be more self-aware. The essay, â€Å"Blue-Collar Brilliance†, explains how it’s wrong and unfair that a formal education ultimately demonstrates the true value of intelligence. Mike Rose begins his essay by introducing a personal example of how his mother, who quit school in the 7th grade, works a blue-collar job in a restaurant. He then explains how she learned social and interactive skills and also understood psychological behaviors such as â€Å"reading social cues, managing the customers’ and her own feelings† (Rose 4) as she encountered different people at her job. In his opening statement, he notes how his mother â€Å"shaped her adult identity as a waitress† (Rose 1). He explains how the use of tools in every day factory jobs, like his uncle had, requires motor skills that are not necessarily taught in school. He observed various workers while on their job and noticed how they all have specific skills that they have accumulated and perfected over the years. He concludes that by acknowledging a broader perspective on the significance of blue-collar jobs, our society might be able to accept them as more than a â€Å"muscled arm† (Rose 5) generalization. Rose makes an acceptable argument, however he does not mention opposing arguments in his essay. With blue-collar jobs, it’s usually associated with minimum wage jobs. Blue-collar workers are barely getting by these days since more jobless people (some who actually have college degrees) are applying for more minimum wage jobs, therefore increasing unemployment for blue-collar workers. A blue-collar job comes with a lot of disadvantages like, â€Å"lack of mental stimulation (repetitive routines), physical exhaustion, hazards on the job, social prejudice, and loss of jobs to automation† (The Pros and Cons of A Blue-Collar Career, Harrison 1). He also  suggests how it’s unfair that society seems to think that a job requiring less education means it requires less intelligence. It’s a valid point, but he doesn’t mention that there are manual work out there that don’t necessarily require their workers to be very smart anyway. Packaging boxes, for instance, is a step-by-step process that any competent person can do. He seems to mix the term â€Å"intelligence† for â€Å"competence†. Regular factories don’t require much from their employees other than following a simple, yet specific process. It doesn’t take much for the employees to hammer in that process into their workers if they all adapt a routine every day. Rose’s personal examples are unique and rare – but it does not prove anything about the reality of manual labor. Not every blue-collar worker experiences that kind of intellectual and emotional growth in his or her job. In his essay, he also implied that white-collar jobs are not as rewarding and beneficial as blue-collar jobs. We would not have this society if it weren’t for the formal education people had. A college education can be out of reach for some people, but there are scholarships within reach and available to low-income students. He should have added some more research or statistics to explain the intellect levels of the blue-collar group in order for him to successfully refute the relationship between intelligence and a formal education. David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech at Kenyon strongly explores the deeper reality and significance of a college degree and a student’s educational freedom. In the beginning of his speech, he tells a didactic story about a conversation between an older fish and two younger fish. The older fish greets the other two and asks, â€Å"How’s the water?† (Wallace 1), while the two younger fish replies with, â€Å"What the hell is water?† (Wallace 1). He goes on explaining how education ultimately teaches us how to think. He defines the true meaning of getting a college degree and how it helps us learn â€Å"to be just a little less arrogant† (Wallace 4). He explores the values of how something as simple as awareness can help students utilize knowledge properly. He mentions how post-graduates usually go through this kind of aimless, empty, day-to-day routine when they finally get their careers that they’ve sought from the start. He also suggests that humans need to learn how to adjust their natural default setting. Being more aware  and less arrogant about the things we learn, he claims, is something that the world needs to adapt to. Wallace’s speech starts with this metaphorical story of the fish. It works because college students can relate to it. He uses metacommentary (â€Å"the point of the fish story [†¦]†) to explain his point that the fish are humans and the water represents the knowledge surrounding us. â€Å"Water† seems be surrounding us everywhere, but we don’t seem to acknowledge it, as we should be. He explains how a college education should be the motivation to get out there and think the â€Å"right way†, as he himself has made mistakes. He mentions how self-centeredness is a huge part of the human default setting that it’s hard for us to crawl out of that state. We always seem to be thinking of ourselves all the time and how all these decisions we encounter affect us. He asserts that self-absorption and unconscious internalization hides students from the significance of the knowledge they have acquired during college. He indicates that liberal arts essentially teaches students different beliefs, which will help them to be more open-minded towards different perspectives. It reminds and encourages his audience that earning a degree isn’t nearly enough to be â€Å"well-adjusted†, in his terms. Sometimes, students need to find a way to independently think for themselves and not from a close-minded way. He successfully encourages his audience to re-program their ways of thinking and be more aware of the realities found in the real world. Even if these college students have not fully grasped what he said about â€Å"the day-to-day trenches of adult life† (Wallace 10), he conveys this message throughout his speech that they should not only know what to think about, but how they should think and react. He casually mentions how some might think that he’s preaching all these moral values, but he counteracts it effectively by empathizing with the opposing audience by saying truthfully that it is difficult, â€Å"takes will and effort† (Wallace 9), but â€Å"if you really learn how to pay attention, then you will know there are other options† (Wallace 10) to consider and learn from. He then argues how educational freedom is a real gift to students everywhere, as it teaches them to be more well-adjusted. His speech then slowly morphs into an advice for the younger students to be more liberal and unbiased as they live their life. He asks his audience to acknowledge simple awareness and the â€Å"real  value of a real education† (Wallace 12). He also included an anecdote about an older person going to a grocery store and encountering all these everyday annoyances while waiting in line. He tells this story, while giving off a sense of frustration and longing through his words. It displayed the reality of growing up after college and not finding a sense of direction in one’s life. In his concluding paragraphs, he almost seems to beg his audience to follow his advice because he implies that he has not achieved it yet. He wrote the speech with an informal, yet honest way of writing and included some harsh words, which especially helps when reaching out to his core audience. The honesty and casualness to it gave justification to his reasons especially since his arguments provided a clear and concise structure personally built for his readers. He empathizes with his audience and ultimately succeeds in persuading them about the true meaning of a college education. Both speeches closely examine the human nature and how we all seem to adapt and utilize different kinds of skills and knowledge as we go through our lives. The message here is that workers and students alike are both faced with a rude awakening as they journey to a different kind of reality to find their own sense of identity. Although Mike Rose’s essay, â€Å"Blue-Collar Brilliance†, sheds a broad light on blue-collar jobs by specifying examples of workers learning heuristic skills without completing a formal education, he also fails to address other possible and realistic opposing viewpoints to support his own argument. However, David Foster Wallace’s â€Å"Kenyon Commencement Speech† is able to present all his points through a different, yet effective way and explain his reasoning why a college degree is necessary to understand our educational freedom and self-awareness that we always seem to take for granted. Wallace’s speech inspires a more thought-provoking discussion, by being straightforward with his audience. He didn’t try to lecture the reader about â€Å"life†, but he explained the real world and the way people should think and apply what they have learned in school to good use.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ap World Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free

Ap World Compare and Contrast Essay During the years 1200 to 1500 CE, two ideal empires, Mali of Sub – Saharan Africa and the Aztecs of the Americas developed into truly influential and powerful empires. Both empires shared a similarity in economy but a different society. The Mali and Aztecs both traded, but while Mali traded with Islamic regions developing Islamic institutions within its borders, the Aztecs traded locally consequently not being influenced by outside cultures. Both Empires differed in society in which women in Mali tended to have more rights than women in an Aztec society whom they had little to no role in their society. Also social structure of both societies varied in which Mali had extended families and clans serve as the main foundation of their social structure while Aztec society was mainly a hierarchy with military elite as their main source of authority. The Mali Empire and the Aztec Empire rose in different locations thus they had different ways of approaching different aspects of their culture but both empires still shared some key aspects also. The Mali Empire and the Aztec Empire both benefited and flourished from trade. The Mali Empire came very much in contact with Islamic based regions when they traded items such as gold, ivory, and slaves. Trade for Mali had cultural implications because it facilitated the introduction of Islam to the region. Aztecs traded with nearby people of their society and traded textiles, rabbit – fur blankets, embroidered clothes, jewelry, and obsidian knifes. Aztec society did not experience an introduction of new cultural ideas because they traded only locally. Trading for both society stimulated agricultural growth and for the Mali empire also stimulated introduction to Islam. Women roles in Mali and Aztec society were very much different. Women in the Mali Empire generally had more opportunities open to them than did their counterparts in other lands did. Women influenced public affairs and even participated actively in both local and long distance trade. While the women of the Mali Empire enjoyed more rights, the women of Aztec society experienced little to no rights. Women of Aztec society played almost no role in the political affairs of a society. Women were not able to inherit property or hold high officials as the women of the Mali were able to do. Extended families and clans served as the main foundation of social and economic organization in Mali society. The male heads of the families governed the village and organized the work of their own groups. The aspect of family was well intertwined with authority. Thus most villagers functioned in society firsts as members of a family or a clan. Although families were the main foundation of the social classes in Mali society, in Aztec it was much different. Aztec society was rigidly hierarchical, with public honors and rewards going to the military elite. The military elite were the main authority of social organization in the Aztec society. As a result families were the main aspect of social structure in Mali society while military elites were the main social aspect in Aztec society. Therefore, both Mali and Aztec Empires benefited from trade but they received different responses from it. Mali was introduced to Islam from trade because of trading to other societies. Aztecs did not experience any change in culture because they traded locally. Women roles were different in both societies, women of Mali enjoyed more rights in comparison to the women of Aztec society whom received little to no rights. The social structure of Mali was generally a more family based authority while Aztec society was of a military elite social structure. Although both empires were from different parts of the world they both were successful in becoming significant and influential empires.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Elitism Theory Analysis

Elitism Theory Analysis Elitism is a political theory that rejects Marxs views of equality and suggests that there will always be a minority elite ruling the majority. The theory in principle suggests that the people are ruled by the most able and those who are capable of doing the best job and this sounds like a good theory as the country will fare better under people who are most capable of leading. However the issue with this is that the elite in control can use the state to control power and thus maintain power and not providing a true democracy. Elitism can be split into three forms; classical, democratic and modern elitism all of which have a slightly different take on the way the state works and how the minority can use the state to dominate the majority. Elitism is not believed by all and is challenged by two other theories, Marxism and Pluralism. Marxists believe that class position is derived from the persons relationship to the means of production, owners and workers, and not as elitists believe from a mix of economic political or ideological resources. Furthermore Pluralists believe that the state such a complex institution that it cannot be dominated by one group and hence power is shared between many government departments and institutions. The British state with the queen as the head of state, although this is a powerless position, is dominated by parliament who has the ability to create or dismantle laws without having to answer to the people until a general election. I believe that the contemporary British State is still quite elitist with the members of parliament and the cabinet being largely made up of those who have been public schooled and gone to the elite universities of Oxford or Cambridge. This view can even be shown by the recent MPs expenses scandal as the MPs cheated money out of the taxpayer showing how the elite minority thought they were above the majority. Therefore this essay seeks to show how the different elite theories relate to the contemporary Br itish state and how relevant they are today. Classical Elitism was defined by key political scientist Gaetano Mosca as In all societies two classes of people appear a class that rules and a class that is ruled the first class always the numerous performs all political functions, monopolises power and enjoys the advantages that power brings, whereas the second more numerous class is directed and controlled by the first[i]. This quote represents the belief that elite rule is inevitable due to the human race being blessed with different talents and those who are more talented will always rise to the top. The classical elitist theory is underpinned by the fact that the ruling elite is closed off from the ruled and its members are selected by virtue of the economic, political or ideological resources[ii]. This shows the reason why elitists reject Marxism, that eventually there will be a classless state, as elitists believe that there will always be the dominant and the dominated and that class will occur through all societies. Plura lism is also rejected by elitists as pluralists argue that there is a diffusion of power between many government institutions and departments whereas the elitists believe that power is dominated by the minority in control. Classical elitism in some ways does refer to the contemporary British state in so far as parliament is made up of the upper class and that many were public schooled and further educated in the elitist institutions of Oxford and Cambridge. Figure 1 shows the Educational Background of MPs and the cabinet from 1918 to 1955, this shows the large numbers especially on the conservative side who attended elite institutions compared to the Labour party who have a large number MPs and cabinet members from Elementary Schools. This shows that in the conservative party there is a sense of the elite are protected as they have the money to afford public schools which gives them an advantage and as such they are protected in their powerful positions in the state. This is further backed up as in the Thatcher government there were only two members of her cabinet not to have attended a fee paying school[iv]. Therefore it can be argued that the contemporary British state can be seen to be slightly elitist as those in power are protected due to their wealth and their education. Democratic elitism which is the form of elitism created by thinkers such as Max Weber and Joseph Schumpeter and is associated with critiques of Democracy, they still agree with classical elitism however, as Weber put it All ideas aiming at abolishing the dominance of men over men are illusory[v]. This quote gives clear indication that democratic elitist think that elitism is inevitable as long as there is Voluntary compliance, acceptance of commands as valid norms and a belief in the legitimacy of the form of domination[vi]. Similarly to classical elitists democratic elitists fundamentally disagree with Marxism as they reject the idea of equality and say that Government has become so large that it will need specialists to run and control it in order to work efficiently, thus elitism is inevitable. Therefore the argument is that power and decision making should be those most qualified and who have the relevant expertise to make the right choices. As far as this relates to the contempo rary British state it could be argued that Britain is relatively elitist as 37 out 51 prime ministers went to either Oxford or Cambridge suggesting that they are the most intelligent and thus the right people to be taking decisions on behalf of the country. However these institutions are very elitist and select on background and status thus meaning that elites are protected as they will always be the most educated hence why the population cannot decide on the elite but can only legitimise their decisions. However in the future under new plans laid out by Lord Mandleson students from a disadvantaged background would be given a reduced offer to university in Labours attempt to increase social mobility. The scheme would work in such a way that The plan could replicate the scheme at St Georges medical school, London, where the standard requirement for a place to study medicine is three As at A-level. Candidates can be given an offer of two Bs and a C if they outperform their school aver age by 60 per cent. This favours the brightest pupils in bad schools, which are often in the most deprived areas[vii]. This is an attempt by the Labour government to try and make the state in the future less elitist as people from all over the country with different backgrounds will be qualified and will be able to perform an active role in Government and in society in order to promote a more equal state. The final form of Elitism, which was put forward by Political Scientists such as Skocpol, C.Wright Mills and Walter Burnham is modern elitism. Modern Elitists still believe that democracy is limited and that elitism is inevitable, apart from modern elitists look at elitism at an international level through organisations such as the IMF and the United Nations which suggests a tie between politics and economics as shown by Mills whose work suggested a close relationship between economic elites and governmental elites: the corporate rich and the political directorate[viii]. This can show how elitism has become more globalised as national elites became dominated by international elites, thus following the recent economic pattern of globalisation and global shift and how the world has become more integrated creating another elite on the world stage. On a smaller scale the recent creation of the President of the EU is another international elitist position which is overpowering domestic go vernments. Therefore it can be argued that contemporary Britain does fit a modern elitist position as to locate the elite one must look more to the international level rather than the national level as Britain is a member of the EU and the United Nations. Another example of international elitism is the upcoming Copenhagen Climate Summit which will be dominated by several key players who have the most influence in both political and economic spheres mainly the USA and China. There is one part of Modern elitism however which does not fit with the contemporary British state and that is the belief that the state has power which can rival or even exceed economic power. I think that the pluralist view that big business has a privileged position in society is more fitting as shown by the recent bank bailouts showing that the government could not let large corporations such as Northern Rock go out of business, highlighting the important position large firms hold in the economy. This is espe cially so as often general elections are won depending on the economic performance for example of the economy is performing well the incumbent government is more than likely to stay in power whereas if the economy is suffering people are likely to vote for change. For example currently amid the International financial crisis there has been a large swing in the latest opinion polls regarding a general election towards the conservatives giving them a majority of 40[ix] showing how people vote for change in times of crisis such as the current financial crisis. Thus governments understand the importance of big business and will form legislation and policy in order to benefit large firms in order to lead to electoral success. Therefore although the contemporary British state does slightly fit the modern elitist perspective there are bits which suit a pluralist view more. Overall Elitist theory I think that Elitist relevant on an international scale and in some part on a domestic level. International organisations such as the IMF and the United Nations have a lot of power and often can overpower domestic governments especially in developing countries which shows that the elite class is becoming more global. I also think that elite theory is relevant on a domestic scale due to the large numbers of the elite in the ruling class of Britain. This is put forward by Guttsman who said There exists today in Britain a ruling class, if we mean by it a group which provides the majority of those who occupy positions of power and who in their turn can materially assist their sons to reach similar positions[x]. This fits the criteria of elitism as it suggests the people cannot choose the elite and the elite can protect their position by monopolising top education and the methods of production. This is also backed up by the numbers of Oxford and Cambridge graduates in government and thus in the ruling class, Over  ¾ of Cabinet ministers in 1983 were from Oxford and Cambridge[xi]. The numbers in government from elite institutions suggests that elitism is an inevitable cycle where the elite is replaced by their offspring who attend public schools and other elite educational institutions. Therefore government schemes such as the grade drop for students from deprived backgrounds could eventually stop the cycle of elite rule in the short run but in the long run these people will then become the elite and then the cycle will begin again this elite rule is inevitable. Thus leading to the theory that the people can only choose between groups of elites at elections for example between the only two parties with a realistic chance of winning a general election, Labour or the Conservatives as shown by Andrew Hayward One elite can only be removed by replacing it with another[xii].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Day the Noise Stopped :: essays research papers

A woman is sitting in her old, shuttered house. She knows she’s alone in the world because every other living thing is dead. The doorbell rings. She answers the door to find nothing but the wind. She looks to the left, then to the right and back to the left. She has a puzzled look on her face. â€Å"What in the world is going on†, she thinks to herself. Janet runs to the living room, picks up the phone and calls her sister. No answer. â€Å"A fluke†, she thinks to herself. She dials her best friend, again, no answer. She is starting to panic at this point. Janet calls everyone in her address book, including her brother in China. She gets no answer from anyone. Janet walks outside and finds nothing but dirt, empty cars and houses. She sees bicycles left lying in the street, as if the children were snatched off them while riding away from something. Janet walks down what used to be a beautiful street, lined with oak and willow trees. What she finds now is a desolate world in which she seems to be alone. Janet continues to walk, not realizing that hours have passed. Hours without any trace of life, not even a blade of grass. She is trying to sort things out in her mind as to how this could be. Alas, she comes up with the answer, or so she thinks. She is talking aloud as she walks because she knows she will go crazy if she doesn’t hear something. â€Å"While I was sleeping, I did hear a loud screeching noise. I thought it was just a dream. I did hear a lot of screaming, and what sounded like pandemonium in the front of the house. I think we were under attack. Yes, that must be it. They have dropped nuclear bombs on us and wiped out all of God’s creations. But, can it be? Who would do this? Why am I still here? Why didn’t I die too?† Janet remembers when she was a young girl and her father told her of a story about their old, run down, house with magic shutters. He said that his father had met an Indian Medicine Man during his travels. Her grandfather helped the Medicine Man’s son. He performed an emergency surgery on him that enabled him to live a long, prosperous life. The Medicine Man didn’t have anything to offer in return.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers

No one has a perfect life. Everyone has conflicts that they must face sooner or later. The ways in which people deal with these personal conflicts can differ as much as the people themselves. Some insist on ignoring the problem as long as possible, while some attack the problem to get it out of the way. Willy Lowman's technique in Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, leads to very severe consequences. Willy never really does anything to help the situation, he just escapes into the past, whether intentionally or not, to happier times were problems were scarce. He uses this escape as if it were a narcotic, and as the play progresses, the reader learns that it can be a dangerous drug, because of it's addictiveness and it's deadliness. The first time Willy is seen lapsing off into the past is when he encounters Biff after arriving home. The conversation between Willy and Linda reflects Willy's disappointment in Biff and what he has become, which is, for the most part, a bum. After failing to deal adequately with his feelings, he escapes into a time when things were better for his family. It is not uncommon for one to think of better times at low points in their life in order to cheer themselves up so that they are able to deal with the problems they encounter, but Willy Lowman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that in his mind he is transported back in time to relive one of the happier days of his life. It was a time when no one argued, Willy and Linda were younger, the financial situation was less of a burden, and Biff and Happy enthusiastically welcomed their father back home from a long road trip. Willy's need for the "drug" is satiated and he is reassured that everything will turn out okay, and the family will soon be as happy as it was in the good old days. The next flashback occurs during a discussion between Willy and Linda. Willy is depressed about his inability to make enough money to support his family, his looks, his personality and the success of his friend and neighbor, Charley. "My God if business doesn't pick up , I don't know what I'm gonna do!" (36) is the comment made by Willy after Linda figures the difference between the family's income and their

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Globalization in Russia Essay

Globalization has done a lot to Russia not only in changing the economic parameters but also the social- cultural portfolio of life. Russia enjoys the sovereignty of a high state of integration within the community of the western world. The fight for high changes and maintenance of sovereignty is to maintain its high class phenomenon within its geographical neighborhood. The history of Russia is deeply founded on its Soviet country where the role of great leadership authorities reigned even across the national boundaries. In analyzing the globalization variable in Russia the role of women should not be over looked. As a general analysis however, the expectation of globalizations were not fully met. Long since the country went in such for globalization benefits, various rigidities have left it still lagging behind in the same aspects. Various economic downfalls and dissatisfaction have acted to compromise the adequate state of affairs in this state. (Brierley, 1) Broadly, females are greatly disadvantaged in this state full of political communism. From the UNICEF statistics, however, the women show a close difference with the male population. First the maternal mortality is as low as 32%. This is due to poor ante-natal care protection and poor attendant by skilled personnel during delivery. Only 96% of women are well attended by skilled persons at their delivery. The female mortality rate is around 7% which is a percentage almost equal to that of the male births. However, as the child ages 5 years, this ratio is considerably equal to that of the male children. Generally, Russia has a well proven medical care system. (Stoliaror, 43) Good medication systems make it vulnerable to deaths through ill-health compared to high percentage of the same in African and Asian countries. The female life expectancy has however showed a decreasing trend since 1970, with it being 72 years compared to 59 that of men. Either, the fertility rate in women is approximated to being 1. 4. Effect of globalization stretches its arms to the social autonomies were various social structures have radically changed to capture the changing effects in the national symmetry. At one level, marriage contraceptive prevalence is largely 34% with these varying between the literate and illiterate people. (Balcon, 27) High illiterates are vulnerable to low use of the same. Lower use of contraceptives has led to spread of various sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV whose total population is approximated to being 950,000. The ratio of marriage breakages between men and women is approximated to being 2 is to 3 (2:3) with two men for every three women. Either, teen marriage has been a social factor calling for various analytical consequences. Largely, 31% of the teen have showed in for marriage at their teen age. ( Robinson, 75) Out of this population 57% has been stated as being girls who even drop out of school above the consequences of early pregnancies. Such early marriages have been a big backbone of failed marriage coupled with inabilities to substantiate for family needs and requirements. The total fertility rate is however high as 1. 4. This has been precisely due to high standards of living and adequate medical attention. Education factor occupies a special place in studying the globalization and the social dispensation of Russia. However, the education statistics are high vulnerable and shows an equitable relationship between men and women (males and females). The ratio of adult literacy between men and women is almost equal and shows no much disparity. Statistic shows that, women through literacy have earned themselves a good place in the economic scenario where they have been voted as movers of wide range of governance activities. There is no discrimination between schooling for both sexes and every educational structure is modeled to provide equity and equality between men and women. Either, secondary school enrolment between males and females is equitable with a one to one ratio. The same attendance in the secondary school has also been found to been one is to one. High child education campaign and the good system of education providing equity for both sexes have ensured a high number of equal thresholds between males and females. The place for secondary school teaching has however favored females with the ratio being three is to two (60% for women). However, more men graduate for other occupations. Basically the university enrollment shows a small diversity with equal opportunity been provided for the both sexes. Generally, the level of literacy is subjectively equal with them sharing almost equally the various opportunities allied to education benefits. (Rozanora, 1) The female employment aspect is a critique issue in Russia. Various disparities between male and female employment draws various issues of concern. Broadly, the employment factor for females in Russia depend on critical issue of age, level of education and various social cultural autonomies. The general employment statistics in Russia are defined in terms of the level of professionalism. The major age bracket for women employment is between 20 and 55 years, though extremities below and above this fraction is evident. Any employment below 17 years is taken as child labor abuse. Either, some women population employment above 55 years is evident though few cases are available. Generally, the total women percentage is 43% of the total employment population in the country. Men are advantaged to get the better share of 57%. The female employment also shows a relatively equal ration between self-employed and professionals. Out of the total population of employed women, 54% are professional while the remaining ratio goes for self employment. However, men occupies the majority of the managerial position with around 2. 6% of the employed women population being managers (Fisher, 89) The wage and salary payment is depended on the professionalism and the level of position working for. Indeed, the general wage rate in Russia is substantially adequate which almost augers that of the United Nations and labor laws requirements. The existing state of Russia can be recommended of its high proficiency in factors of equity and equality in its structures. There is seldom equitable distribution of the natural resources between racial groups, sexes, social institutions and political structures. High political renaissance and motivation above the fight for sovereignty on individual rights has brought the absence or very minimal discrimination. (Taylor, 4) All the people founded on sexual disparities, religious orientations, educational indifferences and cultural autonomies above other parity orientations have enjoyed the fruits of equity and equality. The economic systems and structures are relatively distributed equally between the state groups. The political and legal processes have showered an equitable correspondence in providing support for everybody participation in the political interest. The legal system has ensured neutrality between the state groups in terms of education, cultural, religious and geographical orientations. Equity and equality also extends its arms to the marriage structures where a broad length in marriage regularities provides no discrimination to all. Neutrality in the states social structures provides adequate conditions with which people intermingle adequately with one another. (Smith, 47) Either, adequacy in people’s marriage has been provided with every person at his/her wish too choose marriage partner. At the marriage matrimony, equal rights between the couple have been founded on grounds of equity. Both the husband and the wife have equal role to play in the marriage activities. Ideally, globalization has done a lot in providing positive effects on health. The highly developed technology and research activity helps to provide high standards of medication. Generally, Russia is among the global states with high developments in health matters. However, globalization has yielded high standards in matter of health with high technology and medical attention been uncompromised. Health matters runs from household sanitation, drinking clean water, child immunization, malaria treatment, chronic disease treatments, HIV/AIDS statistics above others. (Duffy, 1) However, the general state of health is highly improved. As per the UNICEF statistics of 2006, Russian health variables have been characterized as among that of the developed countries which generally shows high states of health matters. However, HIV/AIDS campaign has below the hallmark of the health investigation, with 950000 million people been affected. Various health structures have been put into place to avoid its spread, through education on mother-child transmissions, use of sexual contraceptives and use of ARV’s above other medication pursuit for the affected people. Globally, Russia extends its arms even to other nations in providing health support. The country has various policies on population control and health support. (Passas, 1) Through its huge campaign it has set various health requirements and high standards for ensuring a controlled health population for its citizens. Various social-cultural inadequacies like literacy and political authorities have been in the fore front to shape the population growth and distribution. Russia defines various emigration policies and foreign citizen ownership. It has high controlled systems of monitoring migration exchange between its people and other nationals. Both emigration and immigration is captured at an outstanding perspective where various rules and regulations are never compromised in the acquisition of citizenry. Such policies streamline at one point to encourage or elsewhere to discourage immigration. This is based on the need for the observation of a high state of security. Any migration policy is also aimed at ensuring possible inadequacies which may have effect on the existing state resources. This is in the recognition of highly/excessive pressure of immigration and unexploited resources on high emigrations. Migration policies stretch its arms on refugees, where various laws have been put to cater for any refugee. They also observe the United Nations standards on their treatment to refugees. The neutrality in terms of laws has provided a high comprehensive observation of human rights. The United Nations Development Program has shown an explicitly adequate standard on the observation of human rights. The state legal process has a profound structure in which it elaborates the process system of the law and regulations defining human rights and freedoms. Either, it has been vulnerable in observing various rights allied to refugees as per the UNHCR regulations. The political system and the court autonomy have ensured a high implication in support for states which provide rationality in ensuring observation of people’s rights and freedoms. Summarily therefore, globalization has done a lot in shaping and determining the state of social structures in Russia. It various influences have helped to foster an improved state of living for both men women. Work cited Balcon, D. Solidarity without Pay in Russia. The Nation, vol. 266, April 27 1998. Brierley, N. Russia: Perceptions and Reality. a Round T able Discussion 13 February 2003 New Statesman, vol. 132, April 7,2003. Duffy, D. An assessment of Health Policy Reform in Russia. Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 25.

Monday, September 16, 2019

If society valued people ONLY Essay

This prep is exploring the Question: Who am I? If society valued people ONLY economically (i. e. by using money) Which type of people would be the most valuable – and why? The type of people that would be the most valuable would be the people with the most skills and knowledge. Doctors and Surgeons would be very valuable, to care and treat all of the sick and injured people. Children with great education and skills would be valuable because you will need new people to tack the roles of scientists and doctors when the old ones retire. Scientists would also be very valuable, to progress with technology and research. Good teachers would be quite valuable to teach children correctly. Even dustmen would be valuable because without them litter would pile up in the streets. Which type of people would be the least valuable – and why? The homeless would not be valuable because society would not benefit from them, they could even be a hindrance because people would have to pay for them and care for them. Popstars would have little value because they don’t help society in any good way. Children with poor education would not be very valuable, because they will have no skills to use in their work when they become adults. All illiterate people would have little value because writing and reading forms a very important part of society, in Britain, today. How would you be valued – and why? I would value myself as quite unimportant, seen as I am I child with no medical or scientific skills. I am, though, receiving a very good education and could go on to learn may different skills, or alternatively I could go on to work for the council as a dust bin man.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Civil Disobedience was written by Henry David Thoreau. The Letter From A Birmingham Jail was written by Martin Luther King Jr. They both had similarities and differences. There were injustices that were done wrong to each of them by others in the society in which they both lived. The injustices and civil disobedience they incurred should never happen to anyone. Henry David Thoreau spoke in an emotional tone in his essay â€Å"Civil Disobedience. † The emotional part of his essay of Civil Disobedience is that he wants the people to speak up about what type of government they would want to have.Another emotional part was when he started to tell the people to stop paying their taxes so that if the government doesn’t get what they want then maybe they will reform and change their ways. Most of the people are afraid of the government and what the government will do to them and their property if someone disobeys their orders. The government has the right to take their propert y away from them. The government lets them keep their property if the people listen and obey what they say. The people feel that the government is protecting their rights.Thoreau want the people to rebel against the government and revolutionize together because they are treated like slaves and subjected to military law. People want a better government but they won’t do anything to correct the situation. They always think someone else will do something but no one ever does so nothing ever changes. It is very hard to change the minds of people who support the government the way it is. Men are afraid it will make things much worse for them if they go against the government even if they know they are right and the government is wrong.Thoreau says, â€Å"If you think you are right in your opinion then you are the majority and stand up for your rights against the government. Stop giving the government what it wants and maybe the government will reform to what the people want. â₠¬  He wants people to stand up for their rights and risk being put in jail. People should join together as one to put an end to the injustices they have had to deal with from the government. People need to elect the right person to make changes in the government. In Henry David Thoreau’s â€Å"Civil Disobedience†, he makes an ethical appeal to he people because he thinks it is better not to have a government at all and that the American government makes more problems instead of making things better. Although not all is wrong, certain things need changing. The government doesn’t care about the people, it just wants them to do what they tell you to do, like to go to war and serve in the army whether you want to or not and pay taxes to the church whether you attend church or not. If the laws are not obeyed by the people and the people don’t do as the government tells them to do then the government would put you in jail for an undetermined amount of time.Tho reau thinks the constitution is evil and wants to make things better by petitioning the people because he wants to have a better place to live in. He also is saying that being in jail is better than obeying the government and paying taxes and going to war. When you are in jail you get everything you need like free room and board and three meals a day, but it would all just be a waste of time because nothing would change. People need to stand up for their rights and what they believe in if they want things to change.Martin Luther King Jr wrote the â€Å"Letter From A Birmingham Jail†. In his essay he said many strongly spoken emotional appeals. He tries to appeal to the people about the segregation of black people when he says, â€Å"When you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year old daughter why she can’t go the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Fun-town is closed to colored children. † This quote has a lot of meaning to the colored people.This is racism and it is wrong and it is an injustice that the colored people had to face and deal with for many, many years. Martin Luther King Jr loves the church and wants the blacks to be included in everything that white people are. He was grateful to one reverend for including the black people in a Sunday service in a non-segregated way because it was the right thing to do. Segregation has been an injustice that many people have had to deal with for too many years. An ethical appeal that Martin Luther King Jr. was arguing about were the injustices that colored people face each day of their lives.He was arguing about what was right and what was wrong. He wanted people to realize that they were â€Å"victims of a broken promise†. They were promised that racial signs would be removed but they were not. He was using a non-violent direct action protest and got arrested for it because the whites kept the black people out of everything. The black people were being segregated and not allowed the same rights and courtesies as the white people. Colored people had a separate bathroom than the white people. Colored people couldn’t sit at the lunch counter or ride in the front of a bus.Rosa Parks took a stand and protested in a non-violent way. She decided one day to sit in the front of the bus and was arrested. Martin Luther King Jr. says that â€Å"non-violent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue†. Negro leaders have tried to speak about these issues with white officials but nothing has changed. This is why Rosa Parks took a stand for what she believed in and also why Martin Luther King Jr. ook a stand for his rights by going on a march from Montgomery to Birmingham, Alabama. Martin Luther Ki ng Jr. also states that â€Å"A just law is a man-made code that squares with moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law†. In his essay he thanks one Reverend for allowing black people into his church on a non-segregated basis. This was just a small step in their actions to change the way people think because they have suffered these injustices for way too many years. Both Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. ave made excellent points in their essays about the injustices that have been inflicted upon them in their society. They both have had to deal with many injustices and a lot of people whose wrong doings toward them have made their society a bad place in which to live. Each person was seeking ways to make their society a better place to live in, now and in the future. They both hope that people will see that they way they are being treated is wrong and will stand up for what is right instead of going along with what is wrong.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Store and Recover Information About Object Using Binary Serialization in C#

Report Store and Recover Information about Object Using Binary Serialization in C# What is Binary Serialization: Serialization is the process taking an object and converting it to a format which can be transported through net work or store into a storage medium, the storage medium could be file, database, or memory. The . NET Framework provides two types of serialization, XML serialization and Binary serialization. There are also three formats provided by the Microsoft . NET framework to which objects can be serialized. The formats are binary, SOAP, and XML.Binary serialization can either the binary or the SOAP formatter, are suitable for storing object Information in . NET applications, and you don’t need share the information with non-. NET programs. When I mention Binary serialization below I mean â€Å"Binary serialization† using binary formatter, as short expression. Why use Binary Serialization: The binary serialization working chart is: [pic] The chart also can p resent the other two format of serialization. so why we use Binary serialization instead of use the other two? What the advantage and disadvantage of binary serialization?The binary serialization is the most compact and light of the three formats and it is the fastest one of the three formats. Also the binary serialization can serialize all the state of the object, including type information. Therefore when the object is deserialized, you get an accurate and fully functional copy of the original, which xml will not It ignores private member fields and properties. The main limitation of using binary serialization is that binary serialization depends on platform, while XML and SOAP do not adhere to that limitation.Therefore only when all your applications which use serialization are . net framework applications, you can use binary serialization, otherwise uses other two formats instead. Using Binary Serialization in C#: The code to using Binary serialize is very simple. The step is: 1 ) create an instance of an BinaryFormatter class (using the interface iForamatter) 2) pass it an object and an open stream 3) iFormatter. Serialize methodwrites the object's state to the stream. Below I will show a very simple code to serialize an object call aPerson to a file.To make a class serializable we must mark it with the serializable attribute at before the class code The code is: [Serializable] public class Person then we need 2 namespaces for using serialization in our application: using System. Runtime. Serialization. Formatters. Binary; using System. Runtime. Serialization; then use the code below to Serialize: //create an instance of an BinaryFormatter class(IFormatter is a interface) IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); //create a stream Stream stream = new FileStream(â€Å"filename†, FileMode. Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare. None); //pass stream and object to the stream formatter. Serialize method for doing Serialization formatter. Serialize(stre am, aPerson); //finished close the stream stream. Close(); The deserialize just as simple as serialize, the code are: IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Stream stream = new FileStream(â€Å"MyFile. dat†, FileMode. Open, FileAccess. Read, FileShare. Read); Person clone = (Person) formatter. Deserialize(stream); stream. Close(); Some Important not for Serialization: ? the constructors are not called when an object is deserialized. the Serializable attribute cannot be inherited. ? there are some Security issues of serialization you can visit The Security and Serialization (http://msdn. microsoft. com/library/? url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconsecurityserialization. asp)topic in the Framework Documentation further reading: This report just explains the very basic idea of Binary serialization for further study the following links will help. Serializing Objects: http://msdn. microsoft. com/library/default. asp? url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpovrSerializingObjects. sp C# Object Serialization by Budi Kurniawan http://www. ondotnet. com/pub/a/dotnet/2002/08/26/serialization. html References: Serializing Objects: http://msdn. microsoft. com/library/default. asp? url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpovrSerializingObjects. asp http://www. c-sharpcorner. com/Language/serializingObjectsinCS. asp ———————– Deserialization Binary Serialization network Deserialization Binary Serialization Copy of Your Object A File, Database or memory Storage medium Another Application Your object Your Application

Friday, September 13, 2019

Blaming Khrushchev for the Cuban Missile Crisis Is Wrong

Blaming khrushchev for the Cuban missile crisis is wrong, for it is kennedy who precipitated the crisis and no one else. Cuban missile crisis does not consist only the placement of missiles in cuba , but also the things before it, cubas nationalization of industries ,like the bop, the embargoes , the soviet giving of aid to ussr, Subject: outbreak / origins of the Cuban missile crisis Focus: role of superpower involvement Timeframe : 1959 to 1962 Keyterms to note: precipitation of crisis Arguments 1. Khrushchev was to be blamed as well as kennedy 2. Only krushchev should be blamed The personalities of who was to be blamed for the Cuban missile crisis can be traced as one looks at the events in th1950s which led to Cubas deteriorating relations with the USA and its subsequent alignment with the USSR, which led to the placement of missiles in Cuba and the consequent tensions that followed. This relations has its origins in the quest for self interest by newly elected leader, Fido Castro, as while as search for national security by both superpowers from the tension passed down from the cold war in Europe ( qualify). Kennedys search for national security precipitated the crisis when his search translated into actions that directly went against Cuba and pushed Cuba away from the US and into support of the USSR. Kennedy failed to consider that Castros intention to establishing diplomatic relations with the USSR was not to antagonize the US or threaten its national security but mostly for economic benefits. ( the US had earlier refused to grant a loan to Cuba and there were continuing disputes over American property in Cuba). This failure to interpret events correctly led US on its intense quest for national security by instituting economic embargoes on Cuba and direct intervention as seen in the Bay of Pigs invasion. However, such actions were needlessly aggressive for its national security was not threatened in the first place. This however caused a deep rift in the US-soviet relations which was an opportunity for USSR to gain a foothold in the Caribbean ; and thus allowed the opportunity for issiles to be placed on Cuba and arising to the tensions that followed. Khrushchev had a part to play in the Cuba missile crisis as well because his action of giving aid to Cuba, a traditional backyard of the USSR, further fuelled the already intense mistrust the US had of the USSR; eventually cumulating in the Cuban missile crisis, leaving Cuba on the edge of brinkmanship. The role of Castro in starting economic reforms directly affecting American industries also contributed to the US suspicions in the crisis. His actions of turning to the USSR for economic aid ( even though he was not communist) also reinforced US perceptions, and his final agreement for missiles to be placed in Cuba (although he knew the implications of doing so) was the ultimate trigger for USs knee-jerk response and the subsequent tensions that followed. Kennedys misinterpretation of Castros actions ( aligning close to the USSR)-as threatening its national security- stemmed from his perception of monolithic communist aggression and the loss of china to communism. communism expousedeventual showdown and triumph over capitalism. Communism has already extended to parts outside Europe such as China, and as such national insecurity has grown; thus the need to safeguard their national security. This misinterpretation of Castros actions , coupled with Kennedys inexperience in dealing with world affairs, caused the US to embark on its quest for national security through economic embargoes on Cuba the initial bay of pigs as a direct intervention . However, such actions were needlessly aggressive for its national security was not threatened in the first place when castros intentions were for economic benefits rather than to deliberately antagonize the US. Furthermore, due to his inexperience,Instead of turning to diplomatic action, kennedy set on the institution of a military solution (With the aim was to oust Castro from power and to reverse the effects of the reforms) caused Castros fear of more direct American intervention ( demonstrated by the case of Guatamalan) and the desire for military protection in anticipation of it and to seek protection from future efforts to unseat his revolution. This further motivated Castros shift to the USSR and his subsequent nationalizing of American owned industries, banks, etc, which created the conditions for the Cuban missile crisis to happen. Castros shift to the USSR directly coincided with Khrushchevs quest for a successful foreign policy and need to address nuclear strategic imbalance. Khrushchevs search for USSRs national security could be traced from the need to spread the Solidarity movement worldwide, to extend communist zeal into Cuba so that there would be countries supporting USSR and its line of communism. his need aroused due to events like the humiliation of the Berlin wall and the failed ultimatum over berlin, where the credibility of krushchev (in narrow terms) and Khrushchev( in broad terms) was lost. Krushchev also believed that it was right for soviets to extend their influence into the backyard of the us since the US has extended their influence in Europe. khrushchevwas aware of the weakness of Soviet weakness in terms of the number of nuclear warheads and missiles. Given the weakness of Soviet nuclear capability , placing missiles on cuba could be a quick solution to addressing the strategic imbalance. Khrushchev also had an overtly simplistic view that he must return the same medicine the us had been administering in turkey with the jupiter and thor missiles. thus his action of sending missiles to Cuba. However, the US did not see developments in the way that the USSR did. The US saw the placement of missiles as a provocative and aggressive threat to US security, given that the Soviet missiles could reach major US cities on the eastern coast. The fact that the US had seen Soviet tendencies to lead to aggression against the capitalists from the soviet testing of the atomic bomb, the collaboration with stalin during the nazi soviet pact, and the confrontational Berlin Blockade led the US to think that not only was Cuba turning communist ( that the USSR had indeed extended her sphere of influence and Cuba was a breeding ground for states hostile to the US, followed by states within Latin america), but the placement of missiles would mean a high probability of a pre-emptive first strike from the USSR . Put together with the fact that any changes with the political status qup (with US as a leading political power) would severely undermine the credibility of kennedy and america, and how the US was not prepared to forsake economic interests in Latin America where western Europe can overcome its dollar shortage and pursue economic revival, atop of its search for national security, the uss response was to choose a quarantine. alsothey to produce plans for an American invasion of Cuba and put all American bases around the world on high alert with the expectation that an American nvasion of cuba would provoke a soviet response in Europe. This equated to the intensification of the nuclear arms race when clearly it was dangerous; and led the countries to be on the edge of mutually assured destruction. as it reached crisis level It threatened the existence of the entire world. While it is undeniable that the issue that kickstarted the intensification of the nuclear arms was the soviet placem ent of missiles in cuba, it should be noted that both superpowers played a part in their quest for national security and self-interest. Kennedys perception of monolithic communist aggression led it to its attempts to try to cripple Cuba to prevent it from posing any threat to the US national security through the institution of actions that were needlessly hostile towards Cuba, causing it to turn to the USSR. This granted the USSR the opportunity to place its missiles there to address nuclear strategic parity and to spread the zeal of communism to safeguard its national security; which was again viewed as aggression by the US. This led to the oncoming of the Cuban missile crisis, where the nuclear arms race threatened the existence of the entire world.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

American Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

American Global Trade - Essay Example But they have also caused some friction. The trade relationship between US and China has become increasingly central to the economies of both countries. China's economy has been growing at roughly ten percent a year for more than two decades, and its growth has been closely tied to the open trade and investment regimes of the major economies of the world. Exports account for 40 percent of China's gross domestic product (GDP), and China has depended on the growth of its export sector to spur modernization of its economy and support improved standards of living. The World Bank estimates that during the past two decades (1980s and 1990s), nearly 400 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty. According to Chinese data, the United States market has directly accounted for 22 percent of China's phenomenal export growth over the last twenty years. The enormous scope and scale of the changes that have occurred in China's trading posture and in our bilateral trade relationship pose continual challenges. ... U.S.-China Trade U.S. policy is to further open China's markets to U.S. firms, and to encourage China to correct imbalances within its system. The U.S. supported China's WTO membership as a big step toward eliminating market barriers to U.S. companies. The U.S. continues to work with China's leaders and reformers to achieve full and effective compliance with China's WTO commitments in order to increase U.S. exports to the PRC. Ever since Deng Xiaoping ushered in a wave of liberalization in the late 1970s, the world has witnessed a surge in Chinese economic power. Over the last quarter century, China has averaged 9.5 percent growth annually, more than quadrupled its gross domestic product (GDP), and lifted over 400 million of its citizens out of poverty. In 1977, China had the thirtieth-ranked trade volume in the world; in ten years it is projected to be the world's top trading nation; and in fifteen, it will likely have the world's largest GDP. This rapid rise was aided by the normal trade relations China established with the United States in 1979, and later by China's accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. But U.S.-Chinese trade relations have always been somewhat uneasy; for many years, Congress used an annual review of China's "Most Favored Nation" trading status to link trade liberalization with Beijing's human rights record. More recently, U.S. leaders have begun to worry about a massive trade imbalance that continues to grow. Protectionists in Washington and Beijing have begun to dig in their heels against the powerful economic forces that are changing their nations, while U.S. calls for China to revalue its currency and crack down on counterfeiting have not made much headway. Trade Volume A major factor in China's quick

Internship SWOT analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internship SWOT analysis paper - Essay Example One of the key strengths within the sales and marketing department is the strong marketing team that employs the digital tools of marketing. As a result, the company has benefited from an expansive market segment resulting to high sales. As the result of the increased revenue, the company has been able to expand its operations in the local markets. Similarly, the experienced marketing managers within the sales department have effectively handled all the issues ranging from employees welfare to customer complaints. In turn, there has been a strong positive relationship between the workers and their team leaders. However, there has been no adequate training of the sales executives a fact that has been noted as one of the weaknesses of this department (Hill and Westbrook, 1997). Within the Finance and Accounting department, the company employs computerized accounting packages including the QuickBooks and Sage. As a result, paper work within the department has greatly been reduced. Based on the haste and effectiveness of the modern accounting systems that the department has employed, it has been possible to easily compute the sales executive’s commissions and deductions. A notable weakness of the Finance and Accounting department is that very few employees know how to use the accounting packages they are using. As a result, during the days when the accounting package users are not at work, the company operations are negatively affected. One of the major strengths in the management section is the experienced and motivated human resources. Having worked in well known fashion companies in US including Acushnet Company, American Eagle Outfitters and The North Face, the management team has gained adequate experience that it uses to streamline the activities of BB Company. However, the management failure to involve the employees in decision making process and lack of regular workers evaluation are notable weaknesses within the department of management. This has

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Alexander the great Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alexander the great - Essay Example As these anecdotes were around for a long time now and as Alexander even though historical, flourished better as a legend, leaving all of them out would have made the narration curt and dry. But a highly focussed decision maker like Alexander being portrayed as soothsayer dependent might not go well with the historical facts and figures. It is also mentioned by many that an ‘uncommon viewpoint’ is provided for the actions of the Greek poleis and the responses of King Philip. While writing about a king who had enormous effect on his subjects who looked at him for guidance, unintended exaggeration creeps in and that is nothing extraordinary. Green’s showing the step-by-step conviction that Philip was a god himself, is the psychological assurance of an adoring child to whom the father could do anything. But it is difficult to find precedents for Green’s argument, because we do not come across any other writing that says that Alexander was so impressionable. Another point that is difficult to agree with Green is that Alexander became more and more impervious to the needs of the people under him. History books say that he discarded ideas of further pressing forward in India because his soldiers were unhappy to go further. They had left their land long ago and wanted to return and he agreed. It is impossible to agree with Green that Alexander was evolving into a hard-headed dictator. The legends show that Alexander appreciated the heroism of Indian king, appreciated Indian philosophy and looked after his soldiers to the best of his ability. He always discussed matters of importance and mourned the death of his close friend for months and he had been kind to not only his people, but also to the vanquished. Green does not rely much on facts and real research and instead, relies on unconfirmed material. â€Å"Nevertheless, few have been as free as Green in accepting uncorroborated slander as fact†¦.it should not be a book to be introduced students to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Preschool Observation Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Preschool Observation Project - Essay Example 3. The three physical features that made me determine that John was a preschooler were his talkative feature, attentiveness, and his profanity behavior. I realized that he was talkative by the way he said many and different things in a short period. His attentiveness was evident by the way he paid attention to questions and enjoyed discussing serious issues. His profanity was evident by the way he used silly words most of the time. 4. According to my observation, John was in good health. This is arguably true because his height and weight fit for a child of his age. Nevertheless, although he was slightly bigger than others, this could be attributed to hormonal differences that differ from one person to another. On the other hand, I was convinced that his psychological well being was fit. I concluded this because for the duration not less an hour, I closely watched and monitored his behaviors as he interacted with other pupils. At one point, he played a role of a football referee and his conduct was normal. He even tried to resolve a misunderstanding between two players. As for his nutrition, I could see him eat comfortably his lunch meal. However, I observed that he had small injury on his face, but being at his age, I took it to be normal because such injuries occur when children of his age are playing. 1. According to what I observed from John, there were some gross motor skills involved. For the time that I observed John, I observed him running, throwing, and skipping. When they played hind and seek game, John used to run when hiding from the seeker. He threw stones at some targeted destinations to hit a marked ground as required by the game they were playing. Skipping was also evident most of the time when they were playing. 1. During the one hour that I observed John, I could see him use his fine motor skills well. I observed that John could easily use the spoon to feed himself, tying his she races, and drawing some shapes. During

Monday, September 9, 2019

Group Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Group Discussion - Essay Example ependent from the client company to avoid any conflicts of interest that may arise due to any links relationship between the auditor and the company (Regan, 2003). The contracting of one of Mary Maid Service partner’s uncle to carry out auditing casts doubts over the auditing process. The Uncle may give false opinion about the company in order to maintain good relationships with his nephew/niece who is one of the shareholders. Additionally, by charging low fees, the Uncle might be protecting his commercial interests. Most audit firms that charge fees lower than market rate make up for the deficit by providing non-audit services such as tax advice. In such a case, the interests of the auditor to protect his commercial interests may contradict with protecting shareholders’ interests. Contracting the partner’s Uncle may also expose the company to self-interest threat from the partner. Therefore, it is in the best interest of Mary Maid Service that the Uncle to one of the partner’s does not audit the company’s financial statements. Public confidence in financial markets and the conduct of public interest partly relies on audit reports; the company should contract an independent auditor to avoid compromising the credibility of the reports and opinions (Regan,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Purpose statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Purpose statement - Essay Example My dream is finally almost being achieved as well as my hard work being paid off with the entry in this program of paediatric dentistry. In preparation for this great career move, I have attained an undergraduate degree in Dentistry as well as diplomas in oral health and child psychology. The child psychology has enabled me gain in depth knowledge about children from the moment they are conceived to their adolescent years and how to handle them, gain their trust and teach them. The oral health education was a preparation to the field to test my readiness and resilience. It yielded positive results as it prepared me mentally on what was expected and how I should approach the mastery of the subject. In addition to theoretical work, I have had the privilege and pleasure to carry out field work in a few hospitals and health care centres where I have worked hand in hand with dentists and seen their work. One of the field experiences had been as an intern in a dentist clinic where I got exposure to the dentistry machines as well as handling patients. Working in a children’s hospital and home gave me time to practice my child psychology education and I found myself more and more attracted to the children, their curiosity, fear and attempted bravery and I found out I had a natural talent with the children. All these have given me enough proof that I can make it in this field of paediatric dentistry. The knowledge I attain from this course will not only be utilized in extracting or filing children’s teeth but I plan on having a series of programs in schools and children’s hospitals. The programs will target not only oral health as pertains to not eating sweets or brushing teeth but will be participative. Children are very brilliant from observation and given a chance, they can teach and ask various questions that bother them on oral health. The teaching and learning will spread also from the children to other children

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Negotiation, Ethics and Effective Leadership Essay

Negotiation, Ethics and Effective Leadership - Essay Example The whole notion of negotiation is built on the ethical quicksand. One study found out that 28% of the negotiators lied about at least one issue during the negotiation procedure. Another study found out that 100% of the negotiators either failed to actively lie or reveal a problem during the negotiation process. Although bald faced lies during negotiations are wrong but concealments, omissions and evasions are very necessary for a negotiation process. Negotiations are often treated as an amoral game where ethical concerns are sidelined for substantive gains (Schneider & Honeyman, 2006, P. 178). Ethically ambiguous tactics are common in negotiation. These are tactics that have more than one connotation regarding what is right and appropriate. Again the use of deception is very common in negotiation. It is driven by variety of individual differences and situational factors. It is also driven by negotiators need to increase his power, availability of tactics that are marginally ethical, opportunities for opportunism, competitive orientation to negotiation and variety of situational factors that makes easier for negotiators to act without any detection. He has made a half hearted attempt to reach out to Iran which has been short lived and has actually reverted to Bush`s administration policy towards Iran. The deception is very clear in the negotiation between Iran and President Obama. Iran has been quite unreceptive to Obamas` peaceful approach although President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has always told that he is ready for talks with the US President Barrack Obama. Iran has always attempted towards making nuclear enrichment plants inside the mountain base of Iranian Revolutionary Guards near the religious centre of Qum in spite of receiving several warnings from the US President. Global Nuclear Disarmament treaties have often been violated by rough regimes like Iran. Although Iran claims that it complies with its responsibilities under the Nuclear Non Proliferation Tre aty, it has never resorted to peace. Obamas` administration policy contrasts largely from that of Bush in his dealing with Iran. He has made several attempts to engage Iran in negotiations on the nuclear issues rather than just focusing on increasing sanctions on Iran. This approach was not significantly altered in spite of the Iranian dispute in June 12 2009 over its election. However till date Iran has not agreed to implement it agreement of sending most of its enriched uranium to Russia and France for reprocessing. Negotiation skills help an individual in getting what they want from others. The negotiation skills help in achieving the goals of the leader. Military professionals use negotiation skills at the operational and strategic level. It helps them to maintain control over their jurisdiction. They can also use this skill to avert or successfully counter opposition and to negotiate among conflicting interests. It also helps the leaders to exude a sincere belief in the set of goals by engaging others to invest themselves in attaining these goals by forging a consensus on the desirability and vitality o the goals. Moreover Tehran`s support of the Lebanese terrorism in 1980 which involved airline hijacking also proved that Iran was not interested in creating a peaceful situation. In this incident